It’s not only a day of incredible fun and competition – it’s our biggest Athletics fundraiser of the year. And not just for Volleyball … half of all of the profits generated will benefit your kids across all Meridian Athletics. Last year we raised almost $7000 – this year – we’re looking to beat that. With that – we could use your help! As a volunteer, sponsor, or just come and show your support the day of.
Last year our sponsorship roster filled up fast – so, if you want your company to have an opportunity now is that time. Opportunities range from $250 up. We will link out to opportunities on the Meridian Labor Day Classic website in coming days.
We will also kick off the Athletics school season with our 2nd Annual Friday Night Lights Tailgate and Lip Synch Battle from 6-7:30 in the Mays Cafeteria. There will be food trucks, music, tournament t-shirt pre-orders and of course, the lip synch contest. Last year, the coaches, kids and parents put on quite a show. Everyone is welcome!
We hope that you’ll come and cheer on the athletes on the 31st. And if you have any questions about anything tournament related, contact Kiersty Lombar, volunteer tournament director at

Round Rock Sports Center
2400 Chisholm Trail
Round Rock, TX 78681
Phone: 512.341.3125
Fax: 512.341.3110